Jacob Daud Elius
Experience 0 - 2 Years
Age 23 - 27 Years
Current Salary(TSH) 350K - 500K
Expected Salary(TSH) 350K - 500K
Languages English
Education Levels Bachelor Degree
Email: jacobelius2019@gmail.com
Contacts: 0786139186/0622066634
30,December, 2023
Dear sir / madam,
As long-term admired of the work done by the team in your organization. I’m delighted to submit
my application for job position posted on social platforms. As recently graduate from the National
Institute of Transport (NIT) Dar es salaam with bachelor’s degree in procurement and Logistics
Management. I was excited to see your job listing for procurement and Logistics Management
officer on social platform’s.
As procurement and Logistics Management officer over two years of professional experience
executing warehousing, store, tender, logistics operation, strategic procurement, industrial
operation, supply chain, inventory management, and freight cleaning and forwarding. I’m
confident that my knowledge obtained in procurement and Logistics Management would be a
valuable asset to the team of success in organization.
Your job mentioned need someone who experienced in Procurement and Logistics Management
and business administration and management both of which areas I have extensive experience in.
I’m sure that this experience will help me pickup new skills and knowledge and spearhead all
issues assigned for achievement of organization goals for successfully development of
organization and contributing substantially to the department goals.
I’m confident that my proven track records of excellence work ethics, unparalleled attention to
detail and high performing in all aspect assigned that will make me an immediate asset in
organization as well as allow me to contribute to the success team. I’m look forward to discussing
academics, professional qualifications and experience with you in more details .
I’m available to talk at your convenience and I’m attached academics certificates, resume, with
further details my skill’s and education background please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have
any questions about my education background, academics and professional qualifications and